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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Londos

Impacts of Kindness During our Lives

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

A simple act of kindness at the right time in life can change the trajectory of our whole lives. Remember that one teacher, friend, or mentor who lifted you up or supported you when you needed it the most? These elements are key factors on how our life progresses as we know it.

Our group Love Has No Color has returned from our annual December trip to visit the Native American Indian Reservation at Fort Peck, Montana. At Christmas time we hand out tons of gifts one by one to the kids bringing smiles and joy to their faces. We have so much fun on these trips, lots of laughs, and it brings us a joy and gratitude to be able to help these kids of all ages, something which is hard to put into words.

The kids on the Res look forward our humanitarian trips to all year and are so excited to see us when we arrive (Dec + Aug). They laugh, scream, wipe boogies on us, give us group hugs that pull us down to the floor, and make us cards, all to show gratefulness and their authentic self that is feeling loved.

As I mentioned in prior newsletter, for some of the kids, this may the only gift they get all year. Some of the kids re-wrapped their gifts to put under their Christmas tree at home, and others said they don’t want to open and will give to their little brother or sister to share their gift.

We went from school to school, and class to class to interact with the kids while we give each kid a gift. In some of the schools we had story time and I gave my book to many of the little girls. They loved their book as an extra gift and were so happy to hear the story of “The Mermaid Who Found Her Home.”

For the kids on the Res, these interactions with our group have such a positive impact to give them a glimpse of hope and the possibility of change within their lives. We do not simply hand out gifts and money, our efforts provide programs and support to enhance and brighten the futures of each and every child living in third world conditions right here in the United States.

This is a partnership with the tribes, not a charity or handout, where we help people to help themselves. We provide hope, self-esteem building activities, and many other tools so they understand there is life beyond the Res. The suicide rate for children is one of the highest anywhere in this country, and we bring awareness to the terrible conditions that America’s first people must endure. Their needs go beyond poverty, crime, drugs, and obesity…they had their human rights and dignity stolen from them. This is not a single trip mission, and we are and have been a continuous and integral part of their community.

Once people witness the situation, almost 100% of the time, they’re eager to help out. You can actually see results and changes in your life because of your involvement.

Our next trip to the Res will be in August 2022, and we do fundraising activities all year long. If you want to get involved, we collect monetary donations all year long.

Know that your donation will go directly to a gift for the kids in December OR to food boxes that are packed and given to each family in August.



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